House Groups
Each family attending Trinity becomes a member of one of our four house groups: Homer, Virgil, Augustine, and Tyndale. Each house is named for an outstanding figure in Western culture whose contributions and influence are classical, exemplary, and rich. Names recognize and highlight the distinct way that art, ministry, scholarship, and leadership can transform the world. The houses seek to impact their worlds by following in the path of excellence illuminated by their namesakes. The house system allows families to work together in service projects, to enjoy competition and to promote fellowship beyond student’s usual peers in their classes. Our Upper School students lead by example in modeling godly behavior and attitude to grammar school students.

Reformation Day
With the recent 500 year anniversary of the Reformation, Trinity continues to celebrate this historic event each year with special activities, dramas, and celebrations.

Drama Day
Each year a specific drama theme is selected school-wide with classes participating in creative skits, activities and fun interactions around a central theme. Past drama days have included: Peter Pan, Sir Orfeo and Alice in Wonderland.

Day of Service
Trinity House Groups work in teams to serve in practical ways in our community.

Poetry Out Loud
Trinity students have fun with poetry by competing in this annual poetry memorization contest.

Thesis Day
Seniors select a topic of interest and spend the year researching and writing a thesis paper. Verbal presentations are given at the end of the year highlighting what they have learned and defending their work with panelist questions in an assembly setting with parents and guests.

Daily Chapel
Each day our students begin their day with devotions. Once a week all students gather to attend a full chapel service to fulfill the mission of our Christ-driven education.

Annual Art Show
Each student showcases their art projects created over the course of the year. Select students will submit their work for adjudication at the annual ACSI art competition.

Annual Christmas & Spring Concerts
Nearly all students participate in the music programs. The annual concerts bring the entire Trinity community together for a celebration of music and song for His glory.

Living History
History comes to life as students study, create dialogue and portray their favorite historical figure in a concise, informative and compelling manner.