Music & Arts
“A truly educated life must be touched by the arts.”
At Trinity, we passionately embrace the belief that God, as the creator of all beauty, has bestowed upon us the ability to express our creativity in His image. Within our music program, an integral part of our classical Christian education, we guide students in discovering the profound significance of the arts. Music and visual arts are not only cherished gifts from God, but also powerful conduits for worshiping Him. By immersing themselves in the rich tapestry of artistic expression, our students learn to both create and deeply appreciate art in all its magnificent forms. Join us in fostering your child’s classical education, where their artistic talents will flourish and their connection to God’s wondrous creation will be nurtured.
Visual Arts
Envision a place where your child’s creative spirit is nurtured, their personal development flourishes, and an unwavering sense of joy and confidence accompanies them on their artistic journey. Welcome to Trinity’s visual arts program. Our commitment to a comprehensive curriculum ensures that each student is equipped with the necessary tools to create and share their unique artwork, while simultaneously instilling a deep appreciation for the elements of art, principles of design, and the captivating stories of art history. By embracing the belief that God is the ultimate source of creativity, our tailored lessons celebrate the diverse talents of every student, allowing their artistic expression to unfold and flourish on a deeply personal level. Join us in forging a path of artistic discovery, where your child’s creativity will soar, and their connection to God’s divine authorship of creativity will be cherished and cultivated.
Instrumental Music
Within the depths of God’s Word, we discover a resounding call to embrace the beauty and power of musical instruments. At Trinity, we believe that learning to play an instrument is an invaluable journey, both enriching the individual and equipping them with a lifelong tool for ministry. We are thrilled to offer comprehensive classes and lessons in piano and string instruments to students spanning from 1st to 12th grade. Whether a student possesses prior experience or not, our program welcomes all, fostering an environment of inclusivity and growth. Please note that additional fees apply.
Vocal Music
Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
sing the glory of his name;
give to him glorious praise! Psalm 66:1-2
Trinity High School Chamber Singers
Trinity High School Chamber Singers offers 8th-12th grade students a transformative choral experience. Through auditions, students gain invaluable musicianship and vocal growth. With training and challenging repertoire, they achieve musical excellence. Competing in festivals, including the ACSI Northeast Regional Fine Arts Festival, is a highlight of their journey.
Trinity Middle School Viva Voce
Viva Voce nurtures students in 5th – 8th grades to cultivate their singing and musicianship beyond regular music classes. All 5th – 8th graders are welcome, and no audition is necessary. Apart from performing in school concerts, Viva Voce embraces exciting opportunities such as the Cairn Choral Festival and Music in the Parks. Join us for a harmonious journey of musical growth and unforgettable experiences.